Well we went to Wicked last night and I must say, I was disappointed. Mostly it was my fault. I, being the brilliant guy you all know me to be, didn't realize Wicked is a musical. I thought it was a play. After the first 20 minute song, I figured it out. On top of that, I read the book. Stupid me. The show wasn't anything like the book. The musical was happy, light-hearted, and even funny. The book on the other hand was dark, twisted, and more up my alley. The musical offered no character development other than the 40 minute song about how Elfaba and Galinda changed each other for good. I don't recall that in the book. However, if musicals are your thing, which clearly they aren't mine, I would recommend it. Especially if you haven't read the book and don't have the expectations I did. The actors were amazing, the lighting and sound were wonderful, and the stage, well the stage was Wicked!!! In all, I'm glad I went. Seeing a show in London's west end is one of the things to do here. Until next time...
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