This is my biggest qualm with Canada and England. I HATE the Canadian dollar or pound coins. The picture above is 8 pounds and 5 pence and it is ridiculous. If you go out and do some shopping, maybe a coffee and croissant in the morning and two beers on your way home from class, you sound like your wearing a cow bell when your walking. Ridiculous I say. I miss the feeling of disgust us Americans feel when we are handed an American dollar coin. That oh so familiar phrase that sounds of in your mind that says "where can I use this?" The American dollar coin doesn't feel like money. We, or I for that matter, always feel as though this is some special coin not to be spent. Here, or in Toronto, by the end of the day, have more money in change in your pocket, than bills in your wallet. I am starting a holding a vote here with my 21 friends(followers) and want to know, "should we ban all coins worth the equivalent of one dollar, one Canadian dollar, one Pound, or one whatever cookey currency there is in the world?" Vote no or yes (you better vote yes or I will block you from my blog, or will I, probably not but maybe) in the comment section under this post. Cheers, until next time...
You mean canada and london my dear... what have I told you about proof reading?????
Bec, is that you doing your homework or schooling Matt??? Bahahhhahahah! My vote is yes:)
Really, gotta go with Bec on this. Proofread, Matt, damn! Any way, in Germany (the last time I was there) they had a coin for the 5 Mark. It was crazy and then you can't exchange coins when you come back. Pain in the ass! I say eliminate all money and let's get at the world Mad Max-style.
Ok, I will try my best to proofread but come on, that isn't the issue here. We have bigger fish to fry, most importantly, getting rid of the dollar or five mark coins.
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