Thursday, August 4, 2011

Farewell London

The end is here. It has been a fun six weeks and a great experience. It is too bad that I had to end a great trip with exams and the standard rainy day, but I suppose all good things must come to a rainy and test filled end. Maybe not. I would be lying if I said some part of me isn’t dying to get home. Back to my own kitchen, my own bathroom. Back to showering without flip-flops. Back to eating what I want. Back to the familiarity of home. However, part of me wants to stay. I met a lot of great people in London from all over the world. There is so much history and culture here that I didn’t have time to experience. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland all within a few hours train ride. Spain, Italy, Greece, and Hungary, also only a few hours away. Next time, I will travel to as many places as I can to see what these locales have to offer. Who knows, maybe living abroad for a few years is an option. By the time you read this I will already be home. For some reason they want people to pay for Wifi in the airport, ridiculous. So to all of you who kept up-to-date with my happenings, thank you. Farewell London, until next time...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I Will Miss

With only two days left, one exam down, and two more to go, it is really wrapping up quickly. It seems like just last week I got here and had no idea where I was. I had no idea where to go. Now, I am pretty comfortable with London. The tube is easy, the little towns make sense, and I can even walk to and from places without thinking about it. While I am really excited to get home, there are some things I will miss. For instance, Pret, the premade organic sandwich shop. I will miss the tube. It makes it so easy to get around the city. I will miss all of the little pubs and the history behind them. I will miss being able to walk down old cobblestone streets and watching people drinking pints on the road. I will miss Trafalgar and Leicester Square. I will miss the free museums and art galleries. There is so much here that I haven't done that I feel I will miss, that I missed them, once I get back. Until next time...